Charming Magazine

The cost of RCT and tooth Extraction in Nigeria

RCT and tooth extraction in Nigeria

Freelance Journalist, Gift Adene, brings to you an exclusive video of his personal experience undergoing Root Cnal Therapy (RCT) and Tooth Extraction in Nigeria.

In the video, he revealed that RCT for one tooth is 30,000 naira (75 USD) and extraction of a tooth is 9,000 naira (23 USD).

Watch the Vlog on Charming Magazine’s Youtube Channel below.

Root Canal Therapy is an effective and safe way to clean an infection in an abscessed tooth and its roots.

During RCT- root canal therapy, one’s pulp is opened (removed), and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed back. a lot of people fear the procedure because they assume it is a painful experience. Gift Adene takes us through the process and reveals that anesthetic is administered to patients during the process.