There are lot’s of things that have happened in the past, things which will never be forgotten by many still alive, so also Nigerians Will never forget sad days like October 19th and 20th of 2020. Read below as i want us to remember the two sad events that happened that day.
With no doubt, if you were in Nigerian on October 19th and 20th of 2020, you will be very aware of the sad news that happened that very day, it was a date of sorrow in Nigeria because many unbearable things happened that day that made most citizen shade tears as many lost their beloved and properties.
So let’s start with October 19th, in October 19th 2020, a sad day many will still remember, it was a day the heavy riot that claimed people’s life and properties took place in Apo located in Abuja, Nigeria. That day, people lost properties and lives.

The sad and unforgettable event started in 19th October at almost 1am when Nigerian protesters protesting in Apo roundabout were chased by tugs holding killable weapons. The tugs injured one guy, then people ran away, then after some hours the tugs left the venue they attacked protesters at the roundabout and matched to Apo.

So on their way, they branched at Kabusa junction and started burning people cars, most are expensive cars, but got burnt down which are those cars you saw that were burnt.

Then, youths of Mechanic Village, got upset and started fights, it was not just a fight, but a religious fight.

The fight turned into a religious crisis between Christians and Muslims. In the process, many properties and lives were destroyed.
Sadly the fight, didn’t end that day, the worst fight broke out on 20th which is the day the lekki tollgates shootings happened.

As the fight was going on in Apo, Abuja State, protest was also going on in lekki tollgate, which we all know it resulted to the down fall of many people during the evening period.
The great fight in Apo ended as the minister of Abuja gave orders, which police men and Army arrived and the fight was settled after many things were totally destroyed. Then a peace talk between the Christians and Muslims was organized by the minister of Abuja, so things cooled down.
Then fight was still on in Lagos state that 20th October, which was the shootings at lekki tollgate, that sad event took away lives, it was no doubt a terrible incident.

“WAZOBIA” = Come together, we are ONE.