“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” – John 15: 7.
This admonition appears simple; however it is a loaded instruction which we struggle with in our daily lives. The admonition however is one of love that cannot be fulfilled by mere hard work but daily and conscious work of grace.
So, what are the words?
Matthew 6: 33 – “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”. Jesus Christ admonished here that we should not focus on all the issues of life but rather follow the easier path of yearning, thirsting, clinging, abiding and uniting with him first, He will then make a pathway for us to accomplish that which we desire by Him working through us and in us. This means that Christ takes absolute rein and control of our lives and He steers the ship in the direction that pleases Him. This is easier said than done because this is where the struggle begins for most of us, we can’t let Christ have control and reins of our lives. We believe that it may not be ‘cool’ enough and we would not have liberty to live as we would want to.
Think about it, if you love someone (I mean truly love and not word of mouth), will you not seek to please the person? That’s exactly what He meant by ‘and my words abide in you’, meaning you will do all to please Him. When the word of Christ abides in you, then there is no limit to all you can accomplish, there is nothing stopping because He keeps to His words and promises. All that you desire will be given you. However, with the word of Christ abiding in you, your desires would always be in tune with His way.
What are His Words?
John 13: 34 – “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another”. Jesus understood the power of love and how it turns situations around, and He is the evidence of love shown by the Father. When love thrives and abounds, there no hatred, envy nor evil can abide as there cannot be two masters in a boat. The power of love is strong and does not behold grudge. Love heals all hurts, where it is expressed appropriately. Love can be in abundance if desired and if in abundance, why not share and express to others. This world is full of tribulations and pain, but love can make it endurable and worth living is actively expressed in Christ’s way. God’s love is expressed through sharing the gospel and saving others from the brink of destruction. Make it a point of duty to show love to someone daily.
“Unforgiveness is a very heavy weight which no man should carry around”
What are His words?
Mark 11: 25 – “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” This verse is in line with both above because you have to let go of every weight or distraction in order to abide in Him and love does not behold grudge. Trust me, unforgiveness is a very heavy weight which no man should carry around. Here, He is advising us that dropping this weight will enable us make room for better things, which will come to pass through answered prayers as well as receiving forgiveness from our Father too. The question here therefore is that, “Is it worth it logging unforgiveness around”? It is more of pain and lack of peace on the bearer most of the time. Forgiveness from God the Father is hindered, also, answers to our prayers are hindered as well. Simply obeying His words to forgive will make life more worth living.
These and many more are the words of the Lord as revealed to us in the Bible, to the end that they shape our characters, empower our personalities and put us squarely in the good receiving position God wants us to be. The journey here is not an event, but a process each and every one of us must commit ourselves to by learning and practice.
God bless