Charming Magazine

Woman attacks love rival with stiletto shaped perfume bottle

A woman reportedly screamed “I’m going to do you in” before beating her love rival across the face with a stiletto shaped perfume bottle, a UK court heard, Charmingpro reports.

Jessica Baker, 20, was in a relationship with the ex-boyfriend of victim Amelia Duckworth when the two women got into a social media quarrel about him.

Their rivalry got so heated to the point where Baker met Duckworth for a fight in a park in Poundbury, Dorset, UK.


Baker, a young mother-of-one brought a perfume bottle with her and concealed it behind her back, a court heard.

Bournemouth Crown Court heard Baker told Duckworth “I’m going to do you in” and then produced the glass bottle in the shape of a stiletto shoe.

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