Charming Magazine

Nottingham based restaurant owners, Abdul and Amjad arrested for serving faeces to customers

Hotel owners Abdul and Amjad arrested for serving shit food to customers

For a long time, Mohammad Abdul Basit and Amjad ran restaurants where people could sit, eat, or take their food home.

Both men have been arrested and imprisoned. According to a DailyMail report, about 50 of their clients reported various ailments to doctors, and when the matter was probed, it was discovered that they were all suffering from food poisoning.

The research proved that the meal these people ate was human faeces (excreta). A 13-year-old girl became infected and had to be admitted to the ICU; physicians worked tirelessly to save her life.

The only thing these 50 people had in common was that they all bought food from the same kebab restaurant.

When the investigating team arrived at the restaurant and collected the food, it was discovered that it had been contaminated with human excreta.

Following this, the restaurant’s owners, Mohammad Abdul Basit and Amjad, were arrested; the incident occurred in Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Food was prepared in two locations in the hotel: clean food in one location and human excrement in another; these zealots fed human excrement to everyone save those who shared their religion.

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