Charming Magazine

Italian man becomes the first person to simultaneously test positive for monkeypox, Covid and HIV


An Italian man has become the first person to simultaneously test positive for monkeypox, Covid, and HIV, Charmingpro reports 


Earlier this year, a 36-year-old Italian male began to develop a series of symptoms including fatigue, fever, and a sore throat nine days after returning from a trip to Spain.


The man, who has not been identified, spent five days in Spain from 16 to 20 June 2022 during which he admitted to having unprotected sex with men.


On July 2, the man tested positive for Covid, according to a case study report published in the Journal of Infection.


On the afternoon of the same day, a rash started to develop on his left arm. The following day, small, painful vesicles surrounded by a rash appeared on the man’s torso, lower limbs, face, and glutes.


By July 5, the vesicles had further spread and evolved into pustules – small bumps on the skin at which point the man went to the emergency department at the San Marco University Hospital in Catania, yItaly, a/nd was subsequently transferred to the Infectious Diseases unit.